Root Canal Treatment- Is it really Scary?
We know the word Root canal as good as we know the word dentist. No other word is as widely used as the word Root canal among dental treatments. We know what root canal is or at least 99 % people claim they do. But do they actually know is a moot topic. If you want answer to the question in the title and are as curious as I was before I became a doctor and started treating patients, you are at the right place.
What is Root Canal Treatment?
Root canal treatment which is medically termed as Endodontic Therapy is treatment of infected Pulp inside your teeth. Although this treatment is ranked amongst most common treatment procedure, don’t think it is a simple one. The treatment involves removing the infected pulp completely from inside of crown and roots of your teeth. It is followed by cleaning and disinfection of the canal which is then filled and sealed. The opening of tooth is then sealed to prevent further infection.
Do You Need It?
Answering this is difficult without taking a look at your teeth and inspecting it. But I will give you some general symptoms that might give you an indication of you needing it. Symptoms include
- Pustules/Boils on gums
- Severe pain while chewing or biting
- Cracked tooth
- Sensitivity to hot and cold
- Pain at night or while sleeping
Final decision on whether it is right treatment would depend on examination of the tooth.
Is It Better Than the Alternative Treatment?
Unless a person wants to reduce the number of teeth in mouth and is least bothered by aesthetic value of teeth, Root Canal treatment is much better option to Extraction. As painful as Extraction is, it also reduces the number of natural teeth in your mouth. Bridges might be as good as original, but they don’t beat what is naturally available for chewing.
Is it Painful?
Have you ever got a Dental filling done in your mouth? If yes, then you know that you don’t feel any pain but a slight discomfort. That is what you feel while getting Root canal treatment if done from a good dentist or surgeon. Root canal treatment may involve multiple sittings depending on the level of infection inside your tooth. But it is almost painless for a complicated procedure as you are given local Anesthesia.
It must be Costly!
If I were to compare cost of Root canal Treatment with the Cost of getting Extraction done followed by getting implants and bridges to fill the gap in your perfect teeth line, I would say Root canal Treatment is much cheaper than Alternative. Also, the perks of this treatment are You Saving Your Natural Tooth in the process.
Root Canal Treatment is done by all the dentists but getting it done right involves an effort on your part to look for the right Dentist. Your pain will be a guide on the exigencies of the requirement of the treatment. But delaying the treatment would only allow Bacteria to infect your pulp more and even affect your gums. It might even reach a stage where the Root canal could become a difficult procedure to be done with a favorable outcome. With 96% chance of success, be the Savior of your own tooth.