Laser toning – The Skin You Desire
Worried about those Dark Spots, Pigmentation, and acne? You are lucky to be born in 21st Century with the presence on Q-switched Laser technology. Gone are the days where people used excessive peeling creams and compact to deal with hyper-pigmentation, age spots, etc. Technology has brought us a better option to get rid of it.
Laser Toning is an effective and less time consuming procedure which solves numerous Skin issues and addresses cosmetic problems. It is non-invasive treatment where heat is used to stimulate skin and eradicate the problem. It has proven successful in treating variety of skin conditions and cosmetic concerns.
How is it different from Traditional Laser?
Laser treatments have been in use for some time to treat various skin problems. But latest Laser toning treatment procedure is non-ablative. Laser toning has gained popularity due to the fact that traditional lasers used to destroy the tissues to treat the skin while stimulating skin. Laser toning has all the advantages of the former laser treatment but leaves out its deficit of destroying the skin cells. The treatment involves stimulating the skin with heat to boost collagen production in the area. This can be termed as Controlled thermal injury. This leads to proliferation in production of collagen and elastin as the body heals the tissue and skin stimulated by the Laser Technology.
How it helps?
Laser toning due to various possibilities of adjustment in wavelength and frequency of the laser heating the skin, it is used for variety of conditions.
- Acne: Acne is skin condition where hair follicles are clogged with dead cells and oils from the skin. It leads to blackheads, pimples etc. It can be reduced considerably using Laser treatment. As the Laser excites the area boosting collagen production, it leads to contracting of sebaceous glands that produce sebum. Sebum is main cause of Acne.
- Melasma and other Pigmentary Disorder: A condition where a dark, discoloured patches form on skin is termed as Melasma. This is a common skin disorder with difficulty in treating. Most treatment fail to stop the hasty recurrence of the hyperpigmentation. Laser toning reduces the pigmentation by targeting melanosomes while keeping melanocytes intact. This reduces the pigmentation on the surface of the skin.
- Rosacea: Rosacea is skin condition which is characterized by visible blood vessels, skin inflammation, reddening of skin, etc. It can later lead to pus filled bumps on face. It is usually treated by prescribing vasoconstrictors to reduce the visibility of blood vessels. Laser toning destroys the small vessels that make the skin sensitive and inflamed to reduce the disturbing symptoms on the skin.
- Scars: Scars are one of the worst curses that human carry on skin. The formation could be due to acne, injury to the skin, etc. Scars are formed when cutaneous injury heals which leads to fibrosis. Scars are known to stay for life until now. Laser toning is an effective way to get rid of them. It functions by controlled injury on site of scar to remodel the production of collagen and elastin and improve the quality of the skin.
- Aging: Skin is the foremost sign of the age and health of our body. Photo-Aging i.e. damage due to external environment and UV radiation, and Chrono-Aging i.e. damage due to body getting old, both leave signs on our skin. Wrinkles, Chnge in pigmentation, loss of texture and elasticity, etc. These are unavoidable changes to our skin. Laser toning helps in revising such changes and reduces the effects of such changes on the skin by boosting production and collection of collagen and elastin on the treated skin.
- Tattoo: Tattoos are exogenous pigments introduced to the dermal cells of the body. It may be placed with intent or due to trauma or injury. Different colours in the tattoo absorb different wavelength of the light. Different wavelength from a Q switched laser results in the selective destruction of the molecules responsible for colour in the dermal cells.
Is it for me?
Laser has fulfilled more purposes for skin treatment than one could hope for. One can’t help but wonder if the treatment is meant for them. Traditional lasers had adverse effects on some types of skin and dark skin. Q-switched lasers have crossed the barrier of skin type, texture and colour. If you are facing any of the following issue, then the Q-switched laser treatment is for you:
- Fine lines, wrinkles, freckles, pigmented spots, etc.
- Tightened Skin
- Uneven Skin tone, colour & texture
- Acne and its scars
- Unwanted birthmarks
- Eyelid skin dry and dangling
- Folds on skin and frown lines
- Dark circles and under eye skin bags
- Smoker’s lines
- Crow’s feet around eyes and deep smile lines
- Unwanted hair on body.
Why is it better?
Advancement in laser technology has brought about change in treatment protocols in various skin conditions. Chemical peelings and traditional laser treatments have become out-dated for most procedures with presence of Q-switched due to difference in the downtime for the patients after the treatment. Laser toning is painless and non-lasting procedure. Due to minimized downtime and effects post-procedure, incorporating the treatment in routine is easy.
Looks have a lasting effect on the impression we make on others. Using Laser toning to get rid on the unwanted skin condition will help in getting confidence and self-esteem back. Not only the right technology but also the right choice in Doctor is essential. Dermatologists are proficient in understanding the skin type, texture, elasticity, etc. to adjust the wavelengths and frequency for different skin conditions. To know more about the procedure and get treated, consult our Dermatologist.